I like full lips. I don’t have them, but I’ve always wanted a pair of soft, pillowy, sexy lips. This isn’t a new thing for me. I’ve been over-lining my lips for decades, long before Kylie Jenner applied lip gloss for the very first time. I brush my lips with a dry toothbrush to enhance them and you should see my collection of lip plumping products, most of which have disappointed. Today, full lips are a beauty trend and women are spending big bucks to get them. In fact, according to The American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 2.4 million procedures using soft tissue fillers were performed in 2015. That’s up 6% from the year before and up 274% from the year 2000. Granted, not all of those procedures were performed on lips, but lip fillers are a steadily and fast-growing segment of the cosmetic surgery market.

In my quest for fuller lips, I’ve tried lip injections. A few times. Ok, full transparency – I’ve tried Restylane, Perlane and Juvaderm, to the tune of about $800 a pop and – no one can explain why – the effects lasted for two weeks. Two weeks! My doctor would tweak my lips when I’d revisit after two weeks, but two weeks later, my lips were back to their normal thin selves. I, apparently, am an anomaly. Lip injections, which are supposed to last for months and which, by the way, hurt like hell, don’t work on me.

So it was back to the drawing board. And I mean that literally. Back to overdrawing my lips … If only there was an affordable, pain-free lip plumper that lasted for more than a few hours.

Enter JuvaLips

Lip plumber .             

JuvaLips is a battery-powered device that enhances your lips by boosting blood flow to the area. It’s quick, working its magic in only a minute or two, and the results, according to company literature last for up to eight to 10 hours.

lip plumper
My thin lips.

You may have seen some manual lip plumping devices on the market, ones in which you insert your lips and then you kinda suck on air. This forms a vacuum that causes blood flow to the lips, plumping them. I’ve tried those and, while they work, the effects are temporary and they’ve caused bruising to my apparently sensitive lips. JuvaLips works similarly but much more gently. First, I wet my lips to help enhance the device’s suction. Then, I simply applied the soft, cushioned area to my lips, keeping my lips relaxed and allowing the device to do the work, and pushed the On button. JuvaLips gently sucked my lips into the device, increasing blood flow and causing a plumping effect that lasted for hours.

JuvaLips lip plumper
JuvaLips applies a gentle suction to your lips, increasing blood flow to the area that results in fuller lips.

It felt a little tingly, but there was no pain involved. The device turned off after one minute. The first time I used it, I noticed that my lower lip responded more than my upper lip, but, by holding JuvaLips at a higher angle, JuvaLips plumped my top lip just as well.

JuvaLips Lip Plumper
Voila! This is after two minutes with JuvaLips.

The company literature advises that the first time you use JuvaLips, you use it for no more than two times. (I noticed a difference after one time and was fully happy with the results after two times.) You can build up to three times, if you want a more plumped up look, after you’ve used it for a few days. I’ve been using JuvaLips for several days and have experienced no discomfort and no bruising at all. (Rarely, some may experience bruising but the company says this is temporary and will stop after using the product for a couple of times.)

There are many reasons I love JuvaLips. It works. It’s painless. It didn’t cause me to bruise and the effects last for hours. It’s also affordable at $129.95. Compare that to just one session of lip injections which, as I said above, cost about $800 in NYC, and you’ll see that JuvaLips has much to commend it. JuvaLips comes with a carrying case so you can easily take it with you. It also comes with little disposable felt pads, which you can buy more of for $9.95 for a pack of 20.  These fit into the mouthpiece to help keep the device clean – and allow you to share the benefits with a friend. Which is exactly what I did because, for the purposes of this post, I wanted to see if JuvaLips worked on others. (Frankly, I also wanted to see if I am overly enthused about JuvaLips or if my love for this product is well placed.)

I was with one of my closest friends yesterday. Among all the things we share, from the deeply personal to the silly, are beauty tips and advice. I trust her judgment completely and vice versa. After seeing the results of JuvaLips on me, she wanted to try it. Now, she’s gorgeous with a perfectly shaped Cupid’s bow mouth. But, lips thin as we age and ours are not the same pillowy soft as when we were younger. And, after one minute with JuvaLips and a look in the mirror, my friend declared that she’d buy it. The effects were natural, imparting some extra fulness to her lower lip and enhancing her Cupid’s bow.

And that’s the best part about JuvaLips. Using it results in a natural looking, plumper mouth. I’ve not experienced trout pout or fish lips at any time when using it. My lips look plumper and more youthful and I am, frankly, obsessed.

Incidentally, if you’re a fan of lip injections, JuvaLips is safe to use with them and can prolong the time between treatments, but consult with your physician before using the product.

JuvaLips comes with a 30-day money back guarantee and a one-year warranty.

If you want to learn more about JuvaLips or buy the product, check out their website. And follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Kisses …


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