EverBeautiful by Melody Lesser


Put on a Few Holiday Pounds? Hooping Will Take Them Off!

Hoop It Off Kit from Hoopnotica

The leftovers are gone; the good dishes have been returned to their protective cases; the kids are back in their respective homes. Thanksgiving is a now just a happy, gluttonous memory. What’s not a memory, however, is the extra layer of fat that has settled around my middle. Nope, that’s tangible, damn it. And it […] Read more…

How Do You Compare to an Olympic Athlete?

Weight and See, Harriet Lesser

  Olympic fever is in full swing, even as the Games are starting to wind down. Who doesn’t appreciate the spirit of competition, the athletic prowess, the stories behind the athletes – and, of course, their bodies?  Ah yes, the-perfectly-toned, devoid-of-fat, sculpted-by-the-sport-they-pursue, but-all-enviable bodies. If you were an Olympic athlete, which one would you be? […] Read more…

Look Better, Stand Taller with IntelliSkin Workout Gear

Zipper Eve Full Front Tee from IntelliSkin

  Want to look like you’ve lost 10 pounds and feel better too?  And I mean right this second? Stand up straight. That’s right. Stand up straight, shoulders back, head high, stomach in.  Now, go look in the mirror. What’d I tell you? Instant weight loss. I know, I know. You have every intention of […] Read more…