It’s the end of January. Have you kept your New Year resolutions? No no, don’t tell me that even though you resolved to start exercising, you’ve no time to get your buns moving. Come on! Being bogged down with work and tied to your desk is no excuse not to exercise. Not with the following tips from celebrity personal trainer, Reggie Chambers. All it takes is ten minutes or so to get your muscles moving and to energize yourself for the rest of the day.

These are the following exercises that Reggie Chambers recommends for working out deskside …



exercise at your desk

Biceps curls – Sitting at your desk, bring your arms to your side, keep your elbows close to your waist, make a tight fist and slowly curl your forearms up to your shoulders. Since you won’t be using weights, the key to the success of this exercise is to do it slowly. Do three sets of 15 repetitions each. (Or, to make this more challenging, keep a pair of light weights in your office.)



exercise at your desk

One Legged Stand Ups from a Seated Position – Sit at the front of a non-rolling chair. Raise your arms parallel to the floor at shoulder height. Raise one leg and, keeping the other leg flat and stable on the floor, stand up, keeping your weight on the grounded foot. Return to a sitting position, switch legs and repeat. (Make sure the chair is stable and doesn’t roll.)
exercise at your desk

Triceps Dips – Position your hands shoulder width apart on the seat of a stable chair. (No rolling chairs, please!) Your fingers should be facing forward and your elbows should be pointed backwards with a slight bend in them. Extend your legs out in front of you with a slight bend in the knees. Slowly lower your body until your shoulder joints are below your elbows. Push yourself back up until your elbows are nearly straight. Be conscientious about not locking them out. Repeat.




exercise at your desk

Pushups – There are several ways to do pushups, depending on your fitness level. To do a basic pushup, get into a high plank position with your hands placed firmly on the ground directly under your shoulders. Ground your toes into the floor to stabilize your lower body. Tighten your abs by pulling your belly button towards your back, engage your glutes, keep your black flat (not rounded) and slowly lower your body until your chest just grazes the floor. Be aware of keeping your back flat and your body in a straight line from head to toe. Keeping your abs tucked in, exhale as you push yourself back up to the starting position. Aim for 10 to 20 reps or as many as you can do with good form. Can’t quite master the high plank push up? Try this variation: Begin on your hands and knees in a modified plank position. Keep your arms straight, shoulders above your wrists. Legs together, rest your knees on the ground, feet suspended in the air. Slowly bend your elbows and lower your chest to the floor while keeping your body in a straight line. Press upwards and repeat for as many as you can do while maintaining good form.


exercise at your desk

Wall Squats – Wall squatting or wall sitting is great for your quads and glutes. But, if you have bad knees, skip this exercise. Stand with your back against a wall  and place your feet about two feet in front of you, keeping them hip distance apart. Bending your knees, slide your back down the wall until your knees are at a 90 degree angle. Tighten your abs and push your hips back and hold for 30 to 60 seconds if possible, remembering to breathe!

exercise at your desk

Planks – Start by lying on your stomach. Support your bodyweight on your forearms and toes. Raise your body in a straight line, making sure to keep your back straight and your hips up slightly. Hold your abs tight and breathe normally. Try to hold this position for 20 seconds initially. Build up to holding your plank position for a minute as you grow stronger.


exercise at your desk

Standing Lunges – Place feet shoulder width apart and keeping your back and head straight, inhale as you extend one leg forward in a long stride. Bend your front knee until your thigh and lower leg form a right angle. Don’t allow your front knee extend over your ankle and toes. Exhale as you press the front leg off the ground and back to the starting position. You can alternate between your right and left legs or do a set of 15 on one leg before doing the same on the other leg.

exercise at your desk


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