
As a fashion and beauty writer, I get tons of lotions, serums, potions and cosmetics from companies that want me to share their products with you, readers of My beauty closet – yes, I actually have one – is filled to the brim with jars, bottles and tubes of product in various levels of empty. I’ve purchased some of the products once they run out; I’ve given some away and, sigh, I’ve discarded some for various reasons including my sensitive skin’s allergies. I don’t write about every product I receive although I do try them all, but I try to bring you the best and most innovative of the bunch. And, in fairness, I recognize the very real fact that what works for me may not work for you and vice versa.

When I try a new product, I use it exclusively for several weeks because I don’t want to skew the results I may or may not receive from it by combining it with other products. While I accept the fact that I am, indeed, a human guinea pig for beauty products, I also sometimes regret it, especially when I find a product I love that, because of my guinea pig status, I must abandon in order to test the  next product. But, such is the nature of my job.

What Is Venox?

I am currently using (and loving) Venox Anti-Aging Serum from Beverly Hills MD Cosmeceuticals. This product is infused with Botox-like, SYN-AKE® peptides that are said to help reduce muscle cell contractions to promote smoother skin while improving the appearance of surface – and deep – wrinkles. (When was the last time you heard a product make that claim?) Now, in all honesty, a topical cannot inhibit muscle movement in the way an injectable does but Venox, developed by Beverly Hills cosmetic surgeons Dr. John Layke and Dr. Payman Danielpour, did improve the texture of my skin almost from the get-go. It has a luxurious consistency and a luxurious scent to which I am not allergic (hurray because I like this stuff) and it feels, um, different, on my skin. Venox is not heavy on the skin yet I’m aware of it in an odd but pleasant way. It’s almost as if I can feel it working to tighten my skin. I know that sounds weird but I cannot explain it in any other way.

Venox is appropriate for all skin types and can be applied morning or night. A little bit goes a long way because it’s so rich. Besides SYN-AKE, Venox contains Aloe Leaf Extract to help replenish skin’s moisture and improve firmness, Palmitoyl Peptides to activate the synthesis of the skin’s collagen and Extracts of Ginkgo Biloba, antioxidants that protect against free radicals and are said to help slow down the aging process.

The company recommends that Venox be used before bed but I like the way it feels and  prefer to apply it in the morning. Oh, and, by the way, SYN-AKE is a synthetic formula that’s said to mimic the paralytic effects of viper venom. No worries. No snakes or other animals, for that matter, have been harmed in the manufacture of Venox. It’s completely cruelty free and was not tested on animals. (This is an important consideration for animal-loving me.)

The customer testimonials attest to the product’s effectiveness and I, for one, consider Venox a keeper.

If you want to try it yourself, it’s available from for $149.00 per bottle. (The company offers a bulk discount if you purchase more than one bottle.) Plus, Beverly Hills MD Cosmeceuticals was very generous in offering readers a savings of 30% until September 22, 2014. Just use coupon code EVERBEAUTIFUL at checkout.


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