M3K Beauty's Hand Creme

Our hands are one of the first places to show the signs of aging. And it’s no wonder. They are constantly exposed to the elements, hot water and any number of harsh cleaning supplies. Wearing gloves 24/7 would certainly help maintain our hands’ youthful appearance but, aside from the rare hand model whose livelihood depends on the appearance of her hands, who does that? I cannot count how many times I’ve walked out the door on a frigid winter day without gloves exposing my hands not only to sun but to temperatures cold enough to chap my skin. I also often forget to apply sunscreen to my hands – a practice recommended by dermatologists and hand care experts alike – and I don’t wear rubber gloves when I scrub my pots during after-meal cleanups. Do you? (I applaud you if you do and I am making a mental note to change my behavior.)

I try to make up for my less than perfect hand care with hand cream and, let me tell you, not all hand creams are created alike. I’ve become something of an expert on hand cream and prefer one that’s thick, rich and luxurious. And it can’t be sticky. That’s the worst. Enter M3K Beauty Anti-Aging Hand Creme. I received a complimentary sample of M3K Beauty Anti-Aging Hand Creme and from the first try, I was hooked. In a word, it’s luxurious. It’s thick and rich and, don’t tell, I am almost tempted to slather it on all of me, it’s that yummy.  That’s because it’s scientifically formulated with five key ingredients such as DMAE and Hyaluronic Acid that are said to be critical to the anti-aging process. It’s also loaded with vitamins A,C and E and Shea Butter.

Of course, I had to put it to the test so I used M3K Beauty Anti-Aging Hand Creme on my left hand several times a day for a couple of weeks while my right hand suffered from neglect. The difference was visible with my left hand appearing brighter and smoother. The skin looked plumper and yes, younger. M3K Beauty Anti-Aging Hand Creme is a winner in my book and it’s been a favorite with OK, Elle, Cosmopolitan, Ladies Home Journal and many other magazines. M3K Beauty Anti-Aging Hand Creme was also named the Official Hand Creme of the 2013 Grammy Awards. 

Try this luxurious hand cream for yourself by visiting http://www.M3KBeauty.com – and also check out their other products as well.

Oh, and another thing – M3K Beauty has partnered with Healthy Solutions and Prisma Graphic to reduce their carbon footprint. All products are packaged in recycled materials printed with soy and vegetable inks. (Is it possible to fall in love with a beauty company? If so, I have!)

Also, take a look at the following hand care tips to help prevent the signs of aging while I tend to my neglected right hand with M3K. (Gotta make ’em look even, right?)

Hand Care Tips for Younger Looking Hands

* Gloves on!  Wear rubber gloves when your hands will be immersed in water or exposed to cleaning supplies. Protect your hands from the elements when gardening with a pair of garden gloves and when the cold weather returns well, you know, gloves on.

* Indulge in a manicure. Whether you go to a professional manicurist or DIY, a manicure is a luxurious treat that improves the appearance of your hands and may even incentivize nail biters to quit. A good manicurist will massage lotion into your hands before applying polish. Have one you love? Bring it with you to your next nail salon visit. (I’m bringing my M3K Beauty Anti-Aging Hand Creme with me and I can almost guarantee that my manicurist will want some of her very own.)

* When wearing gloves is out of the question, protect your hands from the sun with sunscreen. There are those formulated especially for hands or use your facial moisturizer that contains an SPF.

* You’ve heard about slathering on hand cream and then wearing cotton gloves throughout the night to soften hands? Well, it works. Sometimes old-fashioned advice really is the best.

* Spring for a hand massage (or get your loved one to give you one.) To give a hand massage, use massage oil or hand cream and work from the base of the hand to the finger tips. Massage the back of the hand and then the palm in a circular motion with gentle pressure. Massage each finger individually by gently squeezing each finger between your first and second fingers, starting at the base and working to the tip. Pay particular attention to the base of the hand where it meets the wrist.

* Does this really need to be said? (From what I read, it does.) Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water, back and front, after using the toilet. Moisturize after washing. (I keep a small bottle of hand lotion next to the liquid soap on every sink counter in my house. It’s a nice luxury for me, my family and my guests.)

* Exfoliate hands once a week. There are many exfoliating products specially formulated for hands on the market. Or make your own with extra virgin coconut oil and sugar.

* Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. Invest in a good hand cream and remember to use it. Apply it at least twice a day, including before bed.

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