Save a Life with Givebones


I’m an animal lover with a home that’s overrun by four-legged creatures. (That’s not a complaint.) All but one are rescues. My faminals – a word coined by my future son-in-law – love me in a way that makes me know they feel gratitude. No one could possibly convince me otherwise. I hate to think what might have become of them had I not given them a loving home. My heart aches whenever I see a stray cat or an abandoned dog. Animal shelters are filled to capacity with unwanted and unloved animals which, I believe with all my heart, would make wonderful companions if only they were given a chance.

Givebones Founder Tricia Andrews
Givebones Founder Tricia Andrews with her dog, Sadie

Givebones, a Los Angeles based company that’s committed to “giving homeless dogs the life they deserve,” helps give shelter animals a chance. The company was founded by Tricia Andrews who, inspired by a malnourished dog named Bones, established Givebones to help the plight of homeless animals.

Givebones helps decrease the number of homeless and euthanized pets in the United States each year. “There are approximately five million to seven million furry companions that enter animal shelters each year, ” says Andrews. Givebones donates 10% of sales to rescue organizations and shelters across the country in hopes of lowering this astounding number.

Givebones' Funny Bones Flourescent Pink Collar
Givebones’ Funny Bones Flourescent Pink Collar. Many more colors are available at

For your pup’s next collar, how about one that not only makes a chic and colorful fashion statement but helps save lives also?  GIvebones’ collars are available in a wide variety of colors and in extra small, small, medium and large sizes for the  retail price of $14.99 at A complimentary Givebones wristband comes with each purchase allowing animal lovers to show their support and help give their dog a voice

Celebrity supporters and fans of Givebone’s new summer collars include: Eva Longoria, Lauren Conrad, Ashley Benson, Kellan Lutz, Kendall Jenner, Chace Crawford, Nick and Vanessa Lachey, Jesse Metcalf, Cesar Milan, Tony Romo, Blake Griffin, Troy Aikman and Alex Rodriquez.

This post is dedicated to my and my family’s rescued dogs KC, Dugan, Muppet, Mighty Mite, Tiger, Taxi and Scampi and the countless (never nameless, but too numerous to list here) rescued cats who’ve enriched our lives and continue to do so with their adorable antics, undying devotion and endless gratitude.

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