EverBeautiful by Melody Lesser

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I’m Bananas for Yonanas!


  YUM! YONANAS! I’m so excited about this new find, I feel like I’ve just discovered America – but in actuality I just discovered Yonanas, a kitchen gadget that turns bananas and other fruit into creamy, yummy frozen treats with no added fat and no added sugar. Yonanas is easy to use, easy to clean […] Read more…

FDA Approves New Treatment for Hot Flashes But I’m Cool with coldfront®

HOT FLASHES? I’M COOL WITH coldfront! The Food and Drug Administration has just approved a lower dose version of paroxetine (Brisdelle™,) a Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) used for depression, for the treatment of hot flashes. It’s not news to many women who suffer with menopausal symptoms that anti-depressants are often prescribed “off-label” by physicians. […] Read more…

Original Scent – The Height of Luxury

Original Scent

  CREATE YOUR OWN ORIGINAL SCENT Several years ago, I was asked to write an article on “What Rich People Have That We Don’t.” It was a creative endeavor rather than a research piece so I allowed my imagination to go wherever it wanted. I recall that one of the things I wrote about was […] Read more…