EverBeautiful by Melody Lesser


EverBeautiful Gets a Makeover!

Everyone needs a little tweaking now and then and now that EverBeautiful.com is a year old, we felt it was time for a redesign. Hope you enjoy the new look.  We think you’ll find it easy to navigate and we invite your comments. Thanks to Adam Fudala and Charles Riess for their technical know-how, patience […] Read more…

Age 31 is the Height of a Woman’s Beauty? WTF?

Jean Shrimpton, One of My Beauty Icons

  A new study finds that women are at their most beautiful at the age of 31, according to an online article in an issue of Express.co.uk.  The survey also finds that 31 is the age when women are at their most confident. Are they kidding? Researchers queried 2000 people about their opinions on beauty and style. […] Read more…