I am required by law to tell you when I receive complimentary product for a review. So, yes, I received a free box of Rest-Rite Sleep Positioners to review for the readers of EverBeautiful.com. And they helped to save my marriage, or at the very least, my nights. Spoiler alert: I had my first full night’s sleep in many moons with Rest-Rite. Incidentally, the opinions below are my own and have not been swayed by the receipt of free product. Read on …

I love my husband. I do. He’s a terrific guy with a great big heart and brains to match. He’s practically perfect except for a fatal flaw that threatens our marriage and practically drives me to violence …

When I was a newlywed, decades ago, I remember hearing that whatever are your partner’s traits that annoy you in the beginning of your marriage, they will make you crazy in years to come. I remember lying in my bed, next to my husband, and thinking about what my marriage would be like in 25 years as he clicked softly beside me. Yeah, you read that right. My husband didn’t snore. He clicked. With. Every. Single. Breath, he clicked. Inhale, click. Exhale, click. I’m not a doctor and never asked one about the clicking but I obsessed on it, mulling over and over in my mind what the hell it was in my husband’s physiology that caused him to click. Is his epiglottis defective? Is it his soft palate? The clicks weren’t loud but they were as annoying as a constantly dripping faucet that breaks the silence of the night. Click, click, click. I’d push him gently. He wouldn’t budge. I’d kick him. Nothing. I’d whisper his name. Nada. I finally learned that a decent punch roused him and caused him to roll over. The clicking would stop and I’d get some sleep.

Cut to the present day and I’m still sleepless. Being sleepy is a bad state. It makes it hard to concentrate, to focus, to function. When I go to the supermarket, I forget what I came to buy. Sure, I make lists and then forget to bring them. I’ve been known to head towards the mall and find myself at the hair salon, I’ve walked out of the house in my slippers in the middle of January and I’ve read and reread the same newspaper story a dozen times without the slightest comprehension. And, yes, it’s all my husband’s fault. His infernal clicking drives me crazy. I’m sleepy! I’m sleepy and I’m resentful as he lies next to me, dreaming peacefully and clicking away like a diabolic metronome ticking away the seconds of precious darkness when I could – and should – be having dreams of my own.

His clicking, which over the years has morphed into a kind of clicking/snoring hybrid of horrible nighttime noise, doesn’t make him happy either. He doesn’t want to keep me awake. He doesn’t like it when I push him, kick him, yell at him or punch him. There have been nights, I’m almost ashamed to admit, that I’ve asked him to take his clicking to another room. That’s not an ideal solution for us. I like having him next to me, even if I am asleep. (Please let me be asleep, even for three hours. All I ask is three hours of sleep on any given night. Is that being greedy?)

I know I’m not alone. I know this isn’t a problem of earth shattering proportions. I know it’s a lot of words to devote to clicking. (Hey, I’ve not vented about this for the entire course of my marriage, except to the rare friend. I deserve my moment. It feels good, but not quite as good as a full night’s sleep.)

snoring aidSo, imagine my elation when I received a box of Rest-Rite Sleep Positioners. I’d never heard of such a thing. The tennis ball in the back pocket of the pajamas, yeah. But that didn’t work for us. The people at Rest-Rite sent me complimentary product to try and I was thrilled about it. My husband? Meh, not so much. But he loves me …

Snoring aids

Rest-Rite Sleep Positioner is a patented, disposable positioning device that, when placed on the skin or on a tee shirt, prevents the snorer from sleeping in a position that causes snoring. (See the lip around the Rest-Rite device in the photo above? It’s covered in medical grade adhesive and all you have to do is peel off the strip of protective film before attaching Rest-Rite to your skin or sleepwear.) It provides a gentle reminder for the snorer to return to an optimal position, one that doesn’t promote snoring. My husband also has a bad shoulder. Rest-Rite also prevents him from sleeping on it and returning to a position where he’s not placing pressure on it. Sounds great, right? Well, my husband wasn’t having it. “Mel, I’m not wearing that thing on my bare skin. And not tonight. I have an early morning presentation and I don’t want to experiment tonight.” He refused to try Rest-Rite the following night and the night after that but finally decided to enter into The Great Experiment on the weekend.

Ways to prevent snoring

TMI, people. Skip this next sentence if you like. My husband is hairy, like to the degree that he looks like he’s wearing a sweater when he’s shirtless. (My daughters and I have plotted to wax him when he’s sleeping. Hey, I’m not sleeping when he is. I might as well have something fun to do!) We decided that it might be cruel and unusual punishment to apply the Rest-Rite to his bare – did I say bare? He’s never bare, not with all that fur – skin so he found a tight tee shirt and I applied the Rest-Rite, a small, blue, plastic rounded device to the back of that. And then we went to sleep. And then I woke up – seven hours after I went to sleep! What? Indulge me while I repeat that. I slept seven straight hours without waking up to the sounds of clicking or snoring. My husband said he slept well too and didn’t even notice the Rest-Rite Sleep Positioner.  I asked him if it woke him in the middle of the night when he turned on his back. He had no recollection of that. I asked him if he’d woken up at all in the night. He didn’t think he had. He said he slept through the night. Whoa! Decades of sleepless nights and a little plastic thingy cures my husband’s snoring, er, clicking, er, cloring or snicking. Whatever. Rest-Rite to the rescue! And a good night’s sleep was had by all. The End.

Rest-Rite Sleep Positioner is available in a box of 7 for $16.99.  (Sorry Rest-Rite peeps but I have to tell my readers that one Rest-Rite lasts a couple of nights if you wear it on a tee shirt or pajama top. It lasts until you need to wash the top, right?)

Rest-Rite Sleep Positioner is also available in boxes of 14 for $27.99 or 28 for $52.00  Rest-Rite is also great for moms-to-be to keep you in a comfortable side sleep position. I’ve already mentioned that it also helps with certain types of injuries as in the case of my husband’s sore shoulder. Rest-Rite, when positioned near his shoulder, prevents him from sleeping on it and being miserable the entire next day.

Check out the Rest-Rite Sleep Positioner website for more information and to order. 

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