Stress Relief at your Desk

I’m looking for a little stress relief. My day has barely begun and already I’m in need of some stress management. With a holiday weekend around the corner, I’m cramming the hours of my shortened workweek as full as I can make ‘em. Something – or someone – is bound to explode.

Time to refocus, take a break, work on some stress management techniques …

New York City fitness professional Jon Gallo recommends that, for effective stress relief, you take short stretch breaks at least once an hour which is more effective than taking a few longer breaks. Gallo also notes that if the majority of your time is spent typing on a computer, you should take a five minute break for every 30 minutes spent on the computer. He’s got a few other tips for stress management too. Here, five of the best. Print ‘em out and post them where you’ll be reminded to take regular stress relief breaks.

1. Neck and Shoulder Stretches

• Roll your chair away from your desk. Starting with your head facing forward, using your hand, gently stretch your head and neck to the left and right.

• Practice this simple de-stressing technique: take a deep breath and shrug your shoulders as high as you can. Then gently lower them, while breathing out deeply.

2. Hand and Forearm Stretches

• Continuous typing can lead to stress injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome. Help reduce the chances of an injury by giving your hands and fingers a break.

• Roll back from your desk and allow your hands to fall at your sides. Roll your wrists in a clockwise and counter-clockwise direction. Shake them out to relieve any tension.

• Stretch your forearms by flexing your palms towards your arms, gently increasing the stretch with your other hand. Then extend your palm away from your arm, using your other hand to stretch the top of your hand towards your forearm. You should feel a stretch throughout the underside of your arm.

3. Back Stretches

• Sitting for long periods at a time is unnatural and can create pressure, especially in the lower back region. Gallo recommends standing and walking as often as possible.

• When standing, do a simple back stretch by bending at the waist and letting your arms lower towards the ground. Try to release all tension in your back and slowly “roll up,” one vertebrae at a time.

• If you don’t have a back injury, work on improving your range of motion by doing gentle torso twists, rotating your trunk several times to help “loosen up.”

4. Leg Stretches

• Sitting for long periods of time also cause blood to pool in your lower legs. Jon says getting moving, even walking around the block, can help improve circulation and “wake up” tired legs.

• Simple leg stretches such as calf raises, quad stretches and hamstring stretches can all be done in the comfort of your office.

• If you feel yourself getting drowsy at your desk, a neat trick you can try is leg lifts: from a sitting position, raise your foot 3-4 inches off the ground and hold it. You will start to feel a burn – keep going until your muscle gives out, repeat on the other side.

5. Stop & Smell the Roses. (General Stress Relief and Relaxation)

• Everyone needs a moment to “get away” from it all. Allow yourself to sit quietly in a break room or outdoors and let your mind wander.

• Music can be soothing and help relieve stress during tense situations. Find your favorite song and let yourself smile – you’ll be surprised how much stress can be relieved simply by smiling or laughing.

Ahhh, much better!

About Jon Gallo

Jon Gallo is a Certified Personal Trainer, educated by The Aerobics and Fitness Association of America. He is the founder of Now I’m Fit, Inc., a start-up personal training company that provides services for New Yorkers; and Cycle Revolutions, the first professional indoor cycling center in Queens, NY. Gallo currently operates Queen’s first full-service MMA and fitness facility for men and women, Tightan Gym, located in Astoria.  Jon also performs “Stretch and Flex” wellness programs for large corporate clients across New York City.

For more information, please visit

Think you’re addicted to stress? (Many women are … ) Read about it here.

2 Comments on Need Stress Relief? You’ve Come to the Right Place

  1. As always, specifically targeted solutions to problems. Notice I have responded to stressy blogs. I must change my attitude. But seriously Mel, you’ve done it again; you are thinking like your readers, you know what we need to see. I’m really grateful for the recommendations, they target my issues like brilliant archers! You’re good, really good!

  2. Sari – You are exactly what I need for my stress relief! Lol! I thought these tips might be helpful. At the very least, they’re a reminder to chill every once in a while. Have an EverBeautiful, stress-free day and thanks, as always, for your comment.

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